Dear members of HPM AdB and Honorary members,
We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year 2021.
It is a pleasure to invite you to join the International Scientific Program Committee (SPC) of the Ninth European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education (ESU9), which will take place 18-22 July 2022 at the University of Salerno (Italy).
The main themes will be:
1. Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history and epistemology of mathematics in mathematics education;
2. History and epistemology in the classroom and in professional development of mathematics teachers. Curricula, courses, textbooks, and
didactical material of all kinds – their design, implementation and evaluation;
3. Original historical sources in teaching and learning mathematics;
4. Mathematics and its relation to science, technology, and the arts: historical and socio-cultural issues connected with interdisciplinary teaching and learning;
5. Topics in the history of mathematics education;
6. History of mathematics in Italy.
Since 1993, ESUs are regularly organized and aim
– to provide a forum for presenting research in mathematics education and innovative teaching methods based on a historical, epistemological and cultural approach to mathematics and its teaching, with emphasis on actual implementation,
– to provide an opportunity for mathematics teachers, educators and researchers to share their teaching ideas and classroom experiences related
to these perspectives,
– in this way, to motivate further collaboration along these lines among members of the mathematics education community in Europe and beyond.
We invite you to contribute expertise in planning the scientific program, selecting plenary speakers and panel coordinators and, if you agree,
reviewing submitted abstracts of proposals and the full texts that will be submitted for publication in the Proceedings after ESU9. You will be asked
to review about two abstracts of proposals (by December 2021), and one or two full papers for the proceedings (by the end of 2022).
We will send you the first announcement soon so that you can inform colleagues, university and secondary teachers in your country or region and
encourage them to participate in this Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education.
In the hope that you will be able to participate in organizing this ESU, we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Please, reply by February 3rd, 2021.
With our best wishes
Èvelyne Barbin (co-chair)
Roberto Capone (co-chair)
Michael Fried (co-chair)
Marta Menghini (chair)
Helder Pinto (co-chair)
Rome, January 23, 2021