HPM通訊 第27卷第2期出刊了
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時間:2024年1月27日(六)地點:國立臺灣師範大學進修推廣學院演講堂 報名時間至2024年1月20日截止,請點選連結或是掃描QR Code 進入表單填寫報名資訊,感謝您的熱情參與!
History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) 2024Satellite Meeting of ICME 152July 1 to 5, 2024University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Among the activities of the HPM Group, there is the tradition of organizing conferences that are satellite meetings to the International Congress…
The International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education (ICHME) is the only conference entirely devoted to the history of mathematics education. The first ICHME was held in Iceland (2009), followed by others in Portugal (2011), Sweden (2013), Italy (2015), the Netherlands (2017),…
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